May 12, 2015

Assimilating The Invisible: Thaddeus Craig

I may have been the one to battle an SUV, but my dog Wesley was also a soldier on the front lines. I adopted him when he was 6 months old, only 2 weeks before the incident occurred. We had just begun to get to know each other at that point. As I was flung into the air, Wesley went underneath the car. Being an Australian Shepherd and Corgi mix, he is very short with smaller legs. Miraculously, he was not hit or hurt by the car. I've been told that little Wesley stayed with me even though I was unconcious from the hit. As I was carted off to University Hospital, my friends took him to the veterinarian to have everything checked out and then back to my house in Clifton, where my cousin took care of him for about a month. Twice during my recovery he was brought to Daniel Drake Hospital to visit. As soon as I was released, the two of us went to live with my family for 6 months. Like they say, the rest is history. 
Since that day we have become inseparable friends. I can't begin to imagine what my life would be like without him.

Assimilating The Invisible: Jason Matheny

Jason is a close friend, and one of the most positive people I know. He was at the scene of the accident along with Jamie and other friends. One of the biggest things I've learned to be essential to a TBI recovery in my opinion is POSITIVITY! It's extremely important for the people present during the recovery process to be positive. Jason is a prime example of this simple, yet underrated element that many people wouldn't even consider. He was a huge part of the design and sales of the "Craig For Life" t-shirts shown below, that were sold by his clothing company. All of the proceeds were gifted to me, and paid for a part of my medical bills. It was the most amazing and humbling act that anyone has ever done for me. I am eternally grateful for the love shown by my friends and family.
I love each and every one of you!